MFA – Multi Factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a security technology that requires multiple authentication methods from independent credential categories to verify the identity of a user for logins or other transactions. The Main idealogy behind MFA is to create a defense layer that makes it difficult for an unauthorized person to get access to a physical location, computing device, network, or Database. In case a factor is damaged or compromised, the attacker still must infiltrate at least one or more barriers before infiltrating the target. 

In the past, MFA systems used to rely on two-factor authentication (2FA). Vendors are now increasingly using multifactor authentication scheme that requires two or more credentials to reduce the chances of cyberattacks. Multi-factor authentication is a core component of the identity and access management framework.

Why MFA is Used? 

Passwords are the most common way of authenticating one’s online identity, but they offer less protection. If passwords are stolen, hackers can use those credentials to break into business applications and systems, bypass other access controls, and wreak havoc. Most of the Data breaches are done from stolen Credentials. There is a worrying range of attack vectors that hackers can exploit to steal passwords or gain access, including phishing attacks, brute force attacks, web application attacks, point of sale breaches, and even stolen hardware. MFA makes it really difficult for a hacker to access sensitive data. 

 Types of MFA Authentication Methods available

1- Certificate-Based USB Tokens

2- Context-Based & Step-Up Authentication 

3- Certificate-Based Smart Cards

4- Hybrid Tokens

5- Mobile Phone- and Software-Based Authentication

6- Pattern-Based Authentication

7- Out-of-Band Authentication

8- OTP Authenticators

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